发布日期:2025-01-04 15:30 点击次数:132
【闵行华润映江润府】官方售楼处电话:400—960—1817(开发商24小时热线)全新豪宅惊艳市场!『友情提示 :样板间采取预约制,欢迎提前来电预约参观』华润置地·映江润府首开告捷,以约86%的首开去化率,成为今年截至目前南上海毫无争议的人气王。作为华润置地布局闵行的全新力作,首开取得市场热度为项目二期跟进奠定了坚实的基础。项目首开现场图最新消息闵行500万级人气王「华润置地·映江润府」二期预计将于第八批次入市加推建面约89-103㎡3房大零号湾C位500米轨交+350米滨江【闵行华润映江润府】官方售楼处电话:400—960—1817(开发商24小时热线)全新豪宅惊艳市场!根据中国城市规划设计研究院等单联合发布《2023年度中国主要城市通勤监测报告》,上海在通勤时长45分钟以内的人群比例连续保持增长【闵行华润映江润府】官方售楼处电话:400—960—1817(开发商24小时热线)全新豪宅惊艳市场!这也表明了,生活在这座城市里的年轻人,越来越重视通勤的方式和便利度!一条几分钟就能走到的轨交线,成为置业时必须附带的“刚需条件”!而如何拿捏通勤时间、房价、生活配套三者间的平衡点,也成了当代年轻人置业的最大痛点。华润置地·映江润府,给出了当代城市年轻人想要的“版本答案”【闵行华润映江润府】官方售楼处电话:400—960—1817(开发商24小时热线)全新豪宅惊艳市场!014站立省135万500米即达江川路站项目与轨交5号线江川路站仅约500米,日常步行大约5、6分钟即可抵达地铁站,这样的距离对生活来说恰到好处。【闵行华润映江润府】官方售楼处电话:400—960—1817(开发商24小时热线)全新豪宅惊艳市场!既没有轨交带来的噪音或震动问题,又很好的保证了日常通勤的便捷性。轨交5号线江川路站未来,生活在华润置地·映江润府,仅约20分钟可达莘庄,约35分钟通达徐家汇,日常通勤“幸福指数”拉满!在这样便利的背后,【闵行华润映江润府】官方售楼处电话:400—960—1817(开发商24小时热线)全新豪宅惊艳市场!竟然还藏这个着个巨大的房价“彩蛋”!华润置地·映江润府的首批次均价为56500元/㎡,而4站之外的颛桥板块内的新房价格已逼近7万/㎡!仅仅4站,单价差达13400元/㎡,百平总价差可达135万甚至更高!如果以个人年薪20万计算,足足省下了6年半的薪水!更为优秀的是,华润置地·映江润府真正做到了省钱不减配!通勤不减配:除距离轨交5号线江川路站仅约500米,这里即将迎来的23号线(在建中),将沿着黄浦江一路北上,【闵行华润映江润府】官方售楼处电话:400—960—1817(开发商24小时热线)全新豪宅惊艳市场!一路贯通闵行经济技术开发区,紫竹高新区、吴泾、徐汇滨江(华泾、长桥、龙华)、徐家汇等热门板块。串联产业园和市区南部重点核心区,让23号线在导入优秀产业人才上,拥有强大的优势,精英人才的汇聚,也为华润置地·映江润府的未来价值潜能带来了强大的保障!生活资源不减配:华润置地·映江润府,【闵行华润映江润府】官方售楼处电话:400—960—1817(开发商24小时热线)全新豪宅惊艳市场!距离黄浦江直线距离仅350米,步行即可抵达,畅享稀贵滨江生活!商业文娱方面,周涵盖了闵行天街,颛桥万达商圈,紫叶广场等丰富商业,大零号湾图书馆、闵行科创公园、川上美集滨江文创公园、一尺山海美术馆等丰富资源。大概约800米范围内,涵盖了享誉魔都顶流学校:四校之一的交大附中闵行分校,另外像交大二附中、闵行中心小学、交大附属实小等等,更有985的上海交大、华师大进一步加持(新房不承诺学区,具体学区划分以政府公示为准)。约2公里范围内,复旦附属第五人民医院、沪闵医院的加持产业潜力不减配:根据统计,大零号湾内估值亿元以上企业超过100家,估值超10亿元的企业大约在30家,聚集了超3000家的科技企业。微软、可口可乐、英特尔等全球知名企业进驻。而不远的未来,这里还将吸引千余家的高新技术企业。预计到了2035年,区域内的产值将达万亿级,形成强大的科创企业聚集板块,【闵行华润映江润府】官方售楼处电话:400—960—1817(开发商24小时热线)全新豪宅惊艳市场!真正成为世界级“科创湾区”之一。同样是以全球高新产业为发展核心的张江,作为板块内人才外溢所聚集的唐镇,新房单价已来到11万—14万,销售势头依然强劲。可以看到,在产城融合大背景下,【闵行华润映江润府】官方售楼处电话:400—960—1817(开发商24小时热线)全新豪宅惊艳市场!高精尖产业对周围房价的强劲带动能力。而在华润置地·映江润府,周围同样拥有高新技术产业集群的紫竹园区,更具有天然的地理优势——一线滨江资源及大零号湾的恢弘规划!作为大零号湾内唯一在售住宅用地,华润置地·映江润府目前均价仅5.65万/㎡,价值腾飞在即!02不断超越自我的产品力这几年来,华润置地在产品力上的卷,已经是市场有目共睹的事实。也因为这样的内卷精神,华润置地每推出一个项目,几乎都成为当下买房者绕不开的“必看项”。“你未必会成为华润置地的业主,但不看看华润置地的楼盘,会缺失对好房子的判断!”成了不少购房人内心的写照。实景图,请以实际交付为准作为华润置地进驻闵行的第一个住宅项目【闵行华润映江润府】官方售楼处电话:400—960—1817(开发商24小时热线)全新豪宅惊艳市场!,华润置地·映江润府依然会在之前热卖的项目基础上,继续向上“卷”。实景图,请以实际交付为准聘请大师级团队呈现精工的建筑美感对产品的极致思考,早在楼盘立项之初就已经开始严格甄选了。在建筑立面上,邀请了SIA尚恩设计。作为打造了2023年全国十大高端作品——国贸·天琴樾等,它对建筑立面的美学把控无可厚非。在外立面的整体,【闵行华润映江润府】官方售楼处电话:400—960—1817(开发商24小时热线)全新豪宅惊艳市场!采用了新颖灵动的非对称“双T”设计,远远看去,就像行驶在浦江之上的帆舟,造型非常别致。效果图,请以实际交付为准材质上,选用了部分铝板,具有摩登现代的立面气质。塔冠部分,搭配穿孔铝板与泛光照明形成呼应。夜晚远望,【闵行华润映江润府】官方售楼处电话:400—960—1817(开发商24小时热线)全新豪宅惊艳市场!像极了泛舟江上的灯火,更像是指引每位业主归家的温暖明灯。效果图,请以实际交付为准海派六奢 全新升级精装在500万级的产品上,极少看到用哪个楼盘用到“奢材”的程度。但是在华润置地·映江润府这次却选择了突破。把可感的6大材质,以“奢而有度”的级别进行选材和运用,以“石、玉、镜、板、皮、玻”6个维度匹配。如奢石部分,【闵行华润映江润府】官方售楼处电话:400—960—1817(开发商24小时热线)全新豪宅惊艳市场!采用5大配色的宝格丽奢石,在触感温润的同时,也满足视觉的丰富体验。材料示意图,最终以开发商公示为准而在内部的室内装修工艺上,比如工艺难度较高的圆弧形吊顶,拼接细节更多的卫生间地面复古拼花,卧室地面鱼骨拼接等元素,【闵行华润映江润府】官方售楼处电话:400—960—1817(开发商24小时热线)全新豪宅惊艳市场!把海派建筑的灵感细节极好的进行产品融入,呈现出更浓郁纯正的海派风骨。据悉,华润置地·映江润府在装标也进行了更大程度的升级,在原有的装标基础上,进一步优化提升,也【闵行华润映江润府】官方售楼处电话:400—960—1817(开发商24小时热线)全新豪宅惊艳市场!为广大刚需购房者带来性价比更高、品质更优的产品。隐奢园林中的归家礼序景观的细节美,也是华润置地·映江润府这次更为追求的。实景照为了让这里有更好的景观呈现,项目聘请了知名的犁墨景观。此前的华润置地·凤鸣润府、香港置地·天湖岛、【闵行华润映江润府】官方售楼处电话:400—960—1817(开发商24小时热线)全新豪宅惊艳市场!香港置地·壹号半岛等,都出自该公司之手,赢得了不错的好口碑。实景照而这次的景观设计灵感,据悉是来源于很受中产喜欢的隐奢酒店。用隐奢的风格打造整个园林氛围。效果图,请以实际交付为准打造一轴·一环·五园·一带,取中轴对称布局,在一条归家轴线上,通过不同的景观特色,呈现出优雅的礼序感。效果图,请以实际交付为准通过“一环”串联起不同主题和功能的景观区域,【闵行华润映江润府】官方售楼处电话:400—960—1817(开发商24小时热线)全新豪宅惊艳市场!在兼具视觉美感的同时,也让闲暇时光有了更多样的体验。效果图,请以实际交付为准在“一带”部分,通过内部的空间流线,【闵行华润映江润府】官方售楼处电话:400—960—1817(开发商24小时热线)全新豪宅惊艳市场!以叠水,山石,植被等交错运用,打造多种丰富的园林层次体验。实景照户型亮点赏析三开间朝南+南北通透无论是建面约89㎡还是103㎡的户型,均采用了三开间朝南设计,南北通透,更有利于室内收纳更多的阳光与清风,实现更健康的人居、【闵行华润映江润府】官方售楼处电话:400—960—1817(开发商24小时热线)全新豪宅惊艳市场!S墙收纳设计户型采用了最受年轻人钟爱的S墙设计,更巧妙的提升空间收纳利用率,也实现了空间更具统一性的视觉美感。客餐厅一体化一体化设计可以让室内的公共区域更加明亮开阔,【闵行华润映江润府】官方售楼处电话:400—960—1817(开发商24小时热线)全新豪宅惊艳市场!赋予更多场景可能。另一方面,设计也有利于家庭成员日常之间的融洽沟通。全卧室满飘窗设计楼盘几乎在每个房间里都设计有飘窗,这样的好处可以提升空间的尺度感,另一方面也多了一定的收纳位置,让室内空间既宽阔又实用。03“卷王”华润置地,重仓闵行比起很多大型开发商在上海人心目中的认可度,华润置地一直是第一梯队的存在。32年来,稳稳的在一座城市沉淀,陪伴这里走过一次次高光腾飞的时刻,华润置地无疑最懂上海。也正因为这样的懂得,诞生了外滩九里、静安府、苏河湾中心·润府一座座豪宅标杆。无论顶豪,还是品质人居,【闵行华润映江润府】官方售楼处电话:400—960—1817(开发商24小时热线)全新豪宅惊艳市场!华润置地都能做到在同级品类中,更优质且稳定的表现。苏河湾中心·润府,图源网络华润置地一直坚定在主城区拿地布局。这样谨慎的风格,也为旗下每个项目能获得市场的高认可,奠定了最扎实的基础。加之原本具有的雄厚实力,2023年华润置地列上海房企拿地数量金额建面三冠王。稳字当先,根基深厚,成了华润置地可以穿越周期,逆流而上的实力壁垒。随着华润置地在浦东、宝山的项目收获高口碑,南上海也成了品牌在2024年最为重视的战略高地。7年前,万象城落子闵行,从此区域与品牌之间结下了深厚的缘分。吴中路上的上海第一家华润万象城作为城区西南部产业潜力最大,执行力最强的行政区域,华润置地与闵行在7年来多次合作,形成了强者之间的默契【闵行华润映江润府】官方售楼处电话:400—960—1817(开发商24小时热线)全新豪宅惊艳市场!。此番诞生的华润置地·映江润府,也被寄予了高度的厚望。7年前,华润置地重仓闵行商业,打造出第一座上海万象城,从此奠定了上海西南的商业地标。7年后,华润置地再度落子闵行,而这一次的高品质住宅,又将带来怎样的突破想象之作,值得我们共同期待。【 Minhang Huarun Ying Jiangrunfu 】 Official sales office Tel: 400-960-1817 (developers 24 hours hotline) New luxury homes amazing the market! "Friendly tips: The model room takes an appointment system, welcome to call in advance to make an appointment to visit" China Resources Land · Yingjiangrunfu first success, with about 86% of the first open rate, has become the undisputed popularity of South Shanghai so far this year.As a new masterpiece of China Resources Land layout in Minhang, the first market heat has laid a solid foundation for the second phase of the project.Project first site mapLatest newsMinhang 5 million popularity king"China Resources Land · Yingjiangrunfu" phase IIIt is expected to enter the market in Lot 8Additional construction surface of about 89-103㎡3 roomsBig Zero Bay, position C500 meters rail +350 meters Binjiang 【 Minhang Huarun Ying Jiangrunfu 】 Official sales office Tel: 400-960-1817 (developers 24 hours hotline) New luxury homes amazing the market!According to the "2023 Commuter Monitoring Report of China's Major Cities" jointly released by the China Urban Planning and Design Research Institute, the proportion of people in Shanghai who commute for less than 45 minutes continues to grow [Minhang Huarun Ying Jiangrunfu] Official sales office telephone: 400-960-1817 (developers 24 hours hotline) New luxury homes wow the market! This also shows that young people living in the city are paying more and more attention to the way and convenience of commuting!A rail crossing line that can be walked in a few minutes becomes a must when buying a home.Just need conditions "!How to strike a balance between commuting time, housing prices and living facilities has also become the biggest pain point for contemporary young people to buy property.China Resources Land, YingJiangrunfu, gave the "version answer" that contemporary urban young people want [Minhang China Resources YingJiangrunfu] Official sales office telephone: 400-960-1817 (developers 24 hours hotline) New luxury homes amazing the market!014 standing province 1.35 million500 meters to Jiangchuan Road stationThe project is only about 500 meters away from Jiangchuan Road Station on Line 5, and it takes about 5 or 6 minutes to reach the subway station on a daily walk. This distance is just right for life. 【 Minhang Huarun Ying Jiangrunfu 】 Official sales office Tel: 400-960-1817 (developers 24 hours hotline) New luxury homes amazing the market! There are no noise or vibration problems caused by rail crossing, and it is a good guarantee of the convenience of daily commuting.Line 5 Jiangchuan Road stationIn the future, living in China Resources Land, Yingjiangrunfu, only about 20 minutes to Xinzhuang, about 35 minutes to Xujiahui, the daily commute "happiness index" is full!Behind this convenience, [Minhang China Run Ying Jiangrun House] official sales office phone: 400-960-1817 (developers 24 hours hotline) new luxury homes amazing the market! Even hide this a huge house price "egg"!The first average price of China Resources Land · Yingjiangrunfu is 56,500 yuan /㎡, while the new house price in Zhuanqiao Plate, 4 stations away, has approached 70,000 yuan /㎡!Only 4 stations, the unit price difference of 13400 yuan /㎡, the total price difference of 100 square meters can reach 1.35 million or even higher! If the personal annual salary of 200,000 calculated, enough to save six and a half years of salary!What's more, China Resources Land · Yingjiangrunfu has really saved money without reducing the matching!No less commuting: In addition to the distance from the railway line 5 Jiangchuan Road station is only about 500 meters, here the upcoming line 23 (under construction) will be all the way north along the Huangpu River, 【 Minhang Huarun Ying Jiangrun House 】 Official sales office telephone: 400-960-1817 (developers 24 hours hotline) new luxury homes amazing the market! All the way through the Minhang economic and Technological Development Zone, Zizhu High-tech Zone, Wujing, Xuhui Binjiang (Huajing, Long bridge, Longhua), Xujiahui and other popular plates.Connecting the industrial park and the key core area in the southern part of the city, Line 23 has a strong advantage in introducing outstanding industrial talents, and the gathering of elite talents has also brought a strong guarantee for the future value potential of China Resources Land and Yingjiang Runfu!Living resources are not reduced: China Resources Land · Yingjiangrunfu, [Minhang China Resources YingJiangrunfu] Official sales office Tel: 400-960-1817 (developers 24 hours hotline) New luxury homes amazing the market! Just 350 meters away from the Huangpu River, walking distance, enjoy the rare riverside life!In terms of business, culture and entertainment, Zhou covered rich commercial resources such as Minhang Tianjie, Zhuanqiao Wanda Business District, Ziye Square, Big Zero Bay Library, Minhang Science and Technology Park, Kawamami Meiji Binjiang Cultural and Creative Park, and Yiqi Mountain and Sea Art Museum.Within about 800 meters, it covers the famous magic city top flow school: one of the four schools, the Minhang Branch School of Jiaotong University, in addition, like the second affiliated high School of Jiaotong University, Minhang Central Primary School, and the attached small school of Jiaotong University, etc., there are 985 Shanghai Jiaotong University and China Normal University further support (the new house does not promise school districts, the specific school district is subject to government publicity).Within about 2 km, the Fifth People's Hospital Affiliated to Fudan University and Humin Hospital are blessedThe industrial potential is not reduced: According to statistics, there are more than 100 enterprises valued at more than 100 million yuan in the Big Zero Bay, and about 30 enterprises valued at more than 1 billion yuan, gathering more than 3,000 technology enterprises. Microsoft, Coca-Cola, Intel and other world-renowned companies have moved in.In the near future, more than 1,000 high-tech enterprises will be attracted here. It is expected that by 2035, the output value of the region will reach a trillion level, forming a strong science and technology enterprise gathering board, 【 Minhang Huarun Ying Jiangrunfu 】 Official sales office telephone: 400-960-1817 (developers 24 hours hotline) new luxury homes amazing the market! Truly become one of the world-class "science and innovation Bay Area".The same is the global high-tech industry as the core of the development of Zhangjiang, as the plate of talent overflow gathered Tang town, the unit price of new homes has come to 110,000-140,000, sales momentum is still strong.It can be seen that in the context of the integration of industry and city, [Minhang Huarun YingJiangrunfu] official sales office telephone: 400-960-1817 (developers 24 hours hotline) new luxury homes amazing the market! The strong ability of high-end industries to drive the surrounding housing prices. In China Resources Land, Yingjiangrunfu, the Zizhu Park area, which also has high-tech industrial clusters around it, has a natural geographical advantage - the riverside resources of the first line and the grand planning of Big Zero Bay!As the only residential land for sale in Big Zero Bay, the current average price of China Resources Land · YingJiangrunfu is only 56,500 /㎡, and the value is about to take off!02Constantly surpass the product power of selfIn recent years, the volume of China Resources Land's product strength has been a fact for all to see in the market. Because of such an internal spirit, every project launched by China Resources Land has almost become a "must-see" for current house buyers."You may not become the owner of China Resources Land, but if you don't look at the real estate of China Resources Land, you will miss the judgment of a good house!" It has become a portrayal of the heart of many buyers.Actual scene, please refer to the actual deliveryAs the first residential project of China Resources Land in Minhang [Minhang China Resources Ying Jiangrun House] Official sales office Tel: 400-960-1817 (developers 24 hours hotline) New luxury homes amazing the market! China Resources Land YingJiangrunfu will still continue to "roll" upward on the basis of the previous hot selling projects.Actual scene, please refer to the actual deliveryHired a master team to present the architectural beauty of seikoThe ultimate thinking of the product, as early as the beginning of the project has begun to strictly select.For the facade, SIA Shaun was invited to design. As one of the top ten high-end works in the country in 2023 - Guomao · Tianqinyue, etc., it is understandable to control the aesthetics of the building facade.The whole of the exterior facade, [Minhang Huarun Ying Jiangrun House] official sales office tel: 400-960-1817 (developers 24 hours hotline) The new luxury home amazing the market! Using a novel and smart asymmetric "double T" design, from a distance, just like sailing on the Pujiang River, the shape is very chic.Effect drawing, please refer to the actual deliveryIn terms of material, some aluminum plates are selected, which has a modern facade temperament. The crown of the tower, with perforated aluminum panels, echoes the flood lighting. Night look, 【 Minhang Huarun Ying Jiangrun House 】 Official sales office Tel: 400-960-1817 (developers 24 hours hotline) New luxury homes amazing the market! Like the lights on the river, it is more like the warm light that guides each owner to return home.Effect drawing, please refer to the actual deliveryShanghai six luxury new upgrade hardcoverIn the 5 million level of products, it is rare to see the degree of "luxury materials" used in any real estate. But in China Resources Land · YingJiangrunfu this time chose to break through.The six perceptible materials are selected and applied at the level of "luxury and degree", and matched with six dimensions of "stone, jade, mirror, plate, leather and glass". Such as the luxury stone part, 【 Minhang Huarun YingJiangrunfu 】 Official sales office tel: 400-960-1817 (developers 24 hours hotline) New luxury homes amazing the market! Bulgari luxury stone with 5 color matching is warm and moist to the touch, but also meets the rich visual experience.Material schematic, the final developer's publicity shall prevailIn the internal interior decoration process, such as the circular ceiling with higher process difficulty, the bathroom floor with more details of retro parley, the bedroom ground fishbone splicing and other elements, [Minhang Huarun Ying Jiangrun House] official sales office telephone: 400-960-1817 (developers 24 hours hotline) new luxury home amazing market! The inspired details of Shanghai architecture are very well integrated into the product, showing a more full-bodied and pure Shanghai style.It is reported that China Resources Land YingJiangrunfu has also been upgraded to a greater extent in the installation label, on the basis of the original installation label, further optimization and improvement, also [Minhang China Resources YingJiangrunfu] official sales office telephone: 400-960-1817 (developers 24 hours hotline) new luxury homes amazing the market! For the majority of just need to bring more cost-effective, better quality products.Homing ritual order in hidden luxury gardenThe detailed beauty of the landscape is also the pursuit of China Resources Land YingJiangrunfu this time.Live-action photoIn order to have a better landscape presentation here, the project hired a well-known plow ink landscape. Previous China Resources Land · Fengming Runfu, Hong Kong Land · Tianhu Island, [Minhang China Resources Ying Jiangrunfu] official sales office telephone: 400-960-1817 (developers 24 hours hotline) new luxury homes amazing the market! Hong Kong Land · No. 1 Peninsula, etc., are from the company's hands, won a good reputation.Live-action photoThe inspiration of this landscape design is reported to come from the hidden luxury hotel that is very popular among the middle class. Create the whole garden atmosphere with the style of hidden luxury.Effect drawing, please refer to the actual deliveryCreate one axis, one ring, five gardens, and one belt, take the symmetrical layout of the middle axis, and present an elegant sense of order on a homing axis through different landscape characteristics.Effect drawing, please refer to the actual deliveryThrough the "one ring" series of different themes and functions of the landscape area, 【 Minhang Huarun Ying Jiangrunfu 】 official sales office tel: 400-960-1817 (developers 24 hours hotline) new luxury homes amazing the market! In addition to visual beauty, it also allows leisure time to have a more diverse experience.Effect drawing, please refer to the actual deliveryIn the "One Belt" part, through the internal space flow line, [Minhang Huarun Ying Jiangrunfu] official sales office tel: 400-960-1817 (developers 24 hours hotline) new luxury homes amazing the market! With overlapping water, rocks, vegetation and other staggered use, to create multiple and rich garden level experience.Live-action photoAppreciation of house type highlightsThree open room facing south + north and south transparentWhether it is a building surface of about 89 square meters or 103 square meters, all adopt a three-room south-facing design, North-South permeability, more conducive to indoor reception of more sunshine and breeze, to achieve a healthier living, [Minhang Huarun Ying Jiangrun House] official sales office telephone: 400-960-1817 (developers 24 hours hotline) new luxury homes amazing market!S-wall storage designThe apartment adopts the S-wall design that is most loved by young people, which more cleverly improves the utilization rate of space storage and realizes the visual beauty of the space with more unity.Guest restaurant integrationIntegrated design can make the indoor public areas more bright and open, 【 Minhang Huarun Ying Jiangrunfu 】 Official sales office tel: 400-960-1817 (developers 24 hours hotline) New luxury homes amazing the market! Make more scenarios possible. On the other hand, design is also conducive to the harmonious communication between family members.Full bedroom full bay window designAlmost every room is designed with a bay window, which can enhance the sense of scale of the space, on the other hand, it also has a certain storage position, so that the interior space is wide and practical.03"Volume king" China Resources Land, heavy warehouse MinhangCompared with the recognition of many large developers in the eyes of Shanghai people, China Resources Land has been the existence of the first echelon. Over the past 32 years, China Resources Land has steadily settled in a city and accompanied it through time and time again. Undoubtedly, China Resources Land knows Shanghai best.It is also because of this understanding that the Bund nine miles, Jing 'an Mansion, Su River Bay center, Run mansion benchmark was born. Whether it is top hao, or quality human settlements, [Minhang Huarun Ying Jiangrunfu] official sales office tel: 400-960-1817 (developers 24 hours hotline) new luxury homes amazing the market! China Resources Land can achieve better and stable performance in the same category.Su Hewan Center · Runfu, photo source networkChina Resources Land has been firmly in the main urban land layout. Such a cautious style also lays the most solid foundation for each of its projects to obtain high market recognition. In addition to the original deep strength, in 2023, China Resources Land listed the number of Shanghai real estate enterprises to build the triple crown.The stable word is the first, the foundation is deep, and it has become the strength barrier that China Resources Land can cross the cycle and go upstream.With the high reputation of China Resources Land's projects in Pudong and Baoshan, South Shanghai has also become the strategic highland that the brand attaches most importance to in 2024.Seven years ago, the city of Vientiane settled in Minhang, and since then the region and the brand have formed a deep relationship.The first China Resources Vientiane City in Shanghai on Wuzhong RoadAs an administrative area with the greatest industrial potential and the strongest executive force in the southwest of the city, China Resources Land and Minhang have cooperated for many times in the past 7 years, forming a tacit understanding between the strong [Minhang China Resources Ying Jiangrunfu] Official sales office telephone: 400-960-1817 (developers 24 hours hotline) new luxury homes amazing the market! . This time the birth of China Resources Land, Yingjiang Runfu, has also been given a high degree of hope.Seven years ago, China Resources Land heavily warehouse Minhang commercial, to create the first Shanghai Mixheng City, since then laid a commercial landmark in southwest Shanghai.Seven years later, China Resources Land once again landed in Minhang, and this time the high-quality housing, and what kind of breakthrough imagination will bring, worth our common expectation.【 Minhang Huarun Ying Jiangrunfu 】 Official sales office Tel: 400-960-1817 (developers 24 hours hotline) New luxury homes amazing the market!【闵行华润映江润府】官方售楼处电话:400—960—1817(开发商24小时热线)全新豪宅惊艳市场!